Half-Life's gameplay sticks close to typical first-person run-and-shoot standards. In addition, brilliant scripted sequences enhance Half-Life's harrowing suspense, but the sequences are fixed and don't differ from game to game. Each encounter with a new creature provides both danger and a sense of wonder rarely offered by first-person shooters. Instead of throwing all its enemies at you at once, Half-Life showcases each creature with its own introduction.
Even the action unfolds with impressive precision. From that moment on, details are discovered little by little-if at all-and a great deal of the game's background information is left to your imagination. You assume the role Gordon Freeman, a research associate working in the anomalous materials laboratory at the Black Mesa research facility. The setup is simple and revealed in Half-Life's unique tram-ride opening sequence. In fact, the less you know about the surprises that await, the better. Half-Life's storyline slowly builds in intensity, much like a finely crafted action sequence or an engrossing novel that you simply can't put down.

Featuring the classic single-player game, a head-to-head deathmatch mode, and a new cooperative multiplayer expansion called Decay, Half-Life for the PS2 is a gripping combination of superb story design, sly artificial intelligence, taut combat sequences, and logical puzzles. Half-Life finally makes its cross-platform debut with Gearbox and Valve Software's faithful, yet enhanced, version of Half-Life on the PlayStation 2. First released on the PC in the fall of 1998, Half-Life has since spawned several single-player and multiplayer expansions on the PC but failed to break through on other platforms-Macintosh and Dreamcast ports were cancelled in mid-development. It's rare to read a review of a first-person shooter on any platform that doesn't reference Valve Software's groundbreaking Half-Life.