Do you see where it says amount and base_change? That’s what determines your Sims need to get a drink. The very first section is what you will be modifying. Go to your “No Auto Drink” folder and double click on the fridge_GrabDrinkAutonomously.InteractionTuning, you may need to instruct it to use notepad ++ to open this file. Copy them (do not cut because you don’t want to do any editing to your master files!) and then paste them into the “No Auto Drink” folder you created inside your Mods WIP folder. Select the fridge_GrabDrinkAutonomously.InteractionTuning and cooler_GrabDrinkAutonomously.InteractionTuning XML files. See what a difference it makes if you have a better idea of the file you will be modifying? Type in GrabDrink, the results are more manageable. Now that I’ve scared you let’s make this easier. Also, you can open existing mods and see what they’ve changed to help you better understand the process. I suggest poking around in the files and just seeing what they do. You are going to get almost 500 results! It may look overwhelming however, with time you will come to recognize what files you need and which ones you don’t. What you are going to do next is go to your “extracted resources” folder and then in the search box type in drink. Begin by making a new folder inside your “Mods WIP” folder and labeling it “No Auto Drink”. You are ready to make your first mod! I don’t know about you guys but I get really annoyed when my Sims stop an action I directed them to do so they can go get a drink….when they aren’t even hungry! So, let’s put a stop to that nonsense by making a “no auto drink” mod. It took almost 10 minutes for mine, so go grab something to drink or two. The process takes a fair amount of time, so be patient and leave the program alone. Click on the export button and select the folder you want to extract to (the one I labeled extracted resources for example). Do not have the “use EA naming” box checked.

At the bottom of the popup window, make sure the “use sub-folders” and “extract all” boxes are checked.

Begin by launching S4S and then you will click on the tools tab and select “extract tuning”.

Now you are going to extract those resources from Sims 4.

–Patch 9_24 (this is the date of the latest patch) Below is the structure of my modding folder with the top line being the main folder: I’ll show you what mine looks like but set yours up in a way that makes sense to you. Inside this folder should be sub-folders.