Before you deal with the iceberg of State & Government there is an underlying current, which players often feel the effects of without fully realising its power, known as Ideological Thought. But there are a few related things that need explaining also. What the hell does it do? Well, the idea of this guide is to explain that.

But then you run headlong into an iceberg known as State & Government.

Even when you don’t understand the effects fully, it’s mostly a case of technology = “good”. Most techs in the game are reasonably easy to understand, and offer you effects and inventions that are unambiguously beneficial. State and Government (and Other Victoria 1 Wiki Posted in: Form Law, Constitutional Law Show details Your government also has an indirect effect on militancy since your POPs a. In a Constitutional Monarchy plurality has no effect on militancy (in v1.03 or later in earlier versions plurality raisedmilitancy). Since plurality rises throughout the game, this problem isn't serious at the start of the game but becomes progressively more destabilizing. In a Monarchy, Proletarian Dictatorship or Presidential Dictatorship your people's militancy riseswith increased plurality (even if you give them universal sufferage!). In a Democracy, your people's militancy lowerswith increased plurality (they are more likely to vote in protest than rise up against you). It affects it directly through Plurality. Your government itself affects militancy directly and indirectly. Third, they affect whether or not you can set the ruling party. Second, they can limit your political reforms, party systems and executive types. First and foremost, they affect your militancy. Governments and How to Change Them Victoria 1 WikiĤ hours ago 1.